Business Opportunities - Miami, FL

The Salt Therapy business is in the midst of explosive growth and the halotherapy experts at TouchAmerica are well-positioned to help you take full advantage of this opportunity in the Miami and Fort Lauderdale Metropolitan area. Whether you see the clear business benefit of a stand-alone salt therapy facility or recognize the incremental revenue and competitive advantages that salt therapy can deliver for your wellness center, day spa, luxury resort, holistic health care practice, fitness center, massage therapy facility or upscale hotel, TouchAmerica is the ideal partner.

Several powerful dynamics are in place that make the salt therapy business opportunity so significant.

Salt therapy creates a memorable brand dimension and a competitive advantage. With well less than a thousand salt therapy facilities in North America and under a dozen in Florida, there is still considerable opportunity to gain first-mover status and provide a compelling therapy component your competitors lack. In many metropolitan areas, there is literally no competition.  (Yet.)

Salt therapy doesn’t require a lot of space. In most cases, it’s quite easy to repurpose existing rooms or areas in an existing facility into an appealing area that is fully dedicated to salt therapy.

Salt therapy start-up costs are manageable. There is a cost to upfitting or building out a salt room or cave, of course, but it’s rather low, relative to the return on investment.  Purchase of halotherapy equipment, furnishings and décor cost less than many wellness or hospitality industry alternatives.

Salt therapy operating costs are very manageable. Salt rooms are not labor-intensive. Employees who serve your guests do not require any type of certification or specialized skills and can be easily trained. Beyond customary business expenses (that are already covered in virtually all existing businesses), the purchase of Himalayan salt is the only ongoing expense.  And the cost of salt for a typical halogenerator session is only a few pennies.

Salt therapy treatment has clear value and appeal for your guests. People with respiratory, skin or stress issues feel noticeably better after their salt therapy experience. As our society continues to be more exposed to electrical devices, polluted air and tension-filled environments, the clear benefits of salt therapy will continue to grow.

TouchAmerica provides a turn-key solution for new salt room businesses.  In addition to our salt therapy expertise that ranges from design & construction services to salt products, TouchAmerica leverages over three decades of experience in manufacturing spa equipment & accessories, as well as our extensive industry relationships and strategic partnerships, to provide our clients with the customized facility they envision. We understand how to help our clients grow and maintain successful businesses.

Our process begins with a free consultation.  If you are intrigued by the possibilities or eager to get started in your own salt therapy business in Miami, it’s time to contact the halotherapy specialists at TouchAmerica. Please call 1-800-678-6824, or email us at

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration or the Canadian Medical Device Bureau of the Therapeutic Product Directorate (TPD).  These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.